Feeling frustrated, it’s obvious…

Whether we realize it or not, teams look to their leaders to see if we’ve shown up to work on purpose? Do we appear to function in alignment with the department or organizational goals? With intentionality, i.e. less guessing and more so deliberate movement with passion and genuine engagement for the work, the cause, the mission.

No, we may not whistle on our way to work everyday, but it is apparent when we drag ourselves into work because we believe we have no other options. Thus frustration is your companion throughout the workday.  

Ask yourself, is it possible that you’re holding onto a role that you’ve grown tired of and/or the role has tired of you? Believe me, it shows. You deserve better, your team and your employer.

When feeling stuck, it’s your responsibility to take inventory of your career and to assess what you enjoy most and least of how and where you allocate your time. This may take some effort, but it's necessary self reflective work, make the investment in you. 

Now that you have a little more clarity about what you value the most and least, you are empowered to take action on your internal analysis. Your options include assessing opportunities for horizontal growth (peer to peer learning) or vertical (increased responsibilities and oversight). If those options aren't available there’s this really cool option you may not have considered, it’s called stepping outside of your comfort zone. Being courageous enough to apply for jobs outside of your employer. 

If you stay in the same place, your lack of action will only perpetuate the frustration and lack of fulfillment that you’re contending with. Sadly, the team that works alongside you also has to endure your frustrations as well. No one is winning in that scenario.

Liberate your mind and the space you’re holding and exercise your healthy options.

Crystal Jackson

Principal HR Consultant & Executive Coaching


GPS - Global Positioning System


Let’s be Leaderful