GPS - Global Positioning System

I have to share, I’ve really become accustomed to my navigational system redirecting me when I’ve gotten lost or miscalculated how to reach a desired location. I would imagine many of us have set out in a particular direction, feeling pretty confident that we know the best way. The convenience of the GPS is if we make a wrong turn, the GPS will surely reroute us. 

Please hold that GPS thought…

As a leader, without a doubt there are times in which we’re convinced we know the best way to navigate to the desired destination. However, even though we’re convinced, it’s possible that we may have miscalculated or underestimated what would be best to achieve the goal(s) at hand.

Now let’s refocus the prior GPS point. As a leader, it’s totally ok to resolve within yourself that we could be off course. 

I encourage you to lean into self awareness and weigh your emotional intelligence. Why? If decisions are made solely from a transactional lens and lack the balance of considering the impacted team, that will surely deduct from a trusting work culture. 

Reach for a personal best and course correct before proceeding in one direction and ignoring all the road signs such as caution, slippery slope, potholes ahead.

Remember, self correcting your course doesn’t cost you anything, however not adjusting could cost so much more.

Crystal Jackson

Principal HR Consultant & Executive Coaching


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